Symbols Emoji Meanings

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    Symbols Emoji Meanings

    Ever received a message filled with symbols and emojis, leaving you scratching your head, wondering what it all means? Don’t worry, we’ve got you! Forget the usual smiley faces and hearts – here, we’re talking peace signs, copyright symbols ©, and even the cryptic number 100 (what does it mean?!).

    Let’s decode the meaning behind symbol emojis!

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Heavy Plus Sign
    Emoji Meaning: Represents addition, positive increment, or increase.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Heavy Minus Sign
    Emoji Meaning: Represents subtraction, negative increment, or decrease.

    Emoji Icon: ✖️
    Emoji Name: Heavy Multiplication X
    Emoji Meaning: Represents multiplication, crossing, or negation.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Heavy Division Sign
    Emoji Meaning: Represents division or sharing into parts.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Curly Loop
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a loop, spiral, or winding motion.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Double Curly Loop
    Emoji Meaning: Represents double loop, repetition, or continuous cycle.

    Emoji Icon: 〽️
    Emoji Name: Part Alternation Mark
    Emoji Meaning: Represents part alternation, indicating a change in a repeating sequence.

    Emoji Icon: ✳️
    Emoji Name: Eight-Spoked Asterisk
    Emoji Meaning: Represents an asterisk with eight spokes, symbolizing emphasis, or multiplication.

    Emoji Icon: ✴️
    Emoji Name: Eight-Pointed Star
    Emoji Meaning: Represents an eight-pointed star, symbolizing uniqueness or emphasis.

    Emoji Icon: ❇️
    Emoji Name: Sparkle
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a sparkle, symbolizing cleanliness, clarity, or excitement.

    Emoji Icon: ‼️
    Emoji Name: Double Exclamation Mark
    Emoji Meaning: Represents double exclamation marks, symbolizing emphasis, or importance.

    Emoji Icon: ⁉️
    Emoji Name: Exclamation Question Mark
    Emoji Meaning: Represents an exclamation mark and a question mark, symbolizing confusion or surprise.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Question Mark
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a question mark, symbolizing inquiry, uncertainty, or curiosity.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: White Question Mark
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a white question mark, symbolizing inquiry or uncertainty.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: White Exclamation Mark
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a white exclamation mark, symbolizing emphasis or alertness.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Exclamation Mark
    Emoji Meaning: Represents an exclamation mark, symbolizing emphasis, surprise, or urgency.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Heavy Large Circle
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a large circle, symbolizing completion, wholeness, or inclusion.

    Emoji Icon: 🔝
    Emoji Name: Top Arrow
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a top arrow, symbolizing up direction, highest position, or reaching the top.

    Emoji Icon: 🔚
    Emoji Name: End Arrow
    Emoji Meaning: Represents an arrow pointing to the left, symbolizing the end, conclusion, or termination.

    Emoji Icon: 🔜
    Emoji Name: Soon Arrow
    Emoji Meaning: Represents an arrow pointing right, symbolizing soon or upcoming.

    Emoji Icon: 🔙
    Emoji Name: Back Arrow
    Emoji Meaning: Represents an arrow pointing left, symbolizing backward movement or return.

    Emoji Icon: 🔛
    Emoji Name: On! Arrow
    Emoji Meaning: Represents an arrow pointing right, symbolizing activation or readiness.

    Emoji Icon: 🛐
    Emoji Name: Place of Worship
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a place of worship, symbolizing religious practices or spirituality.

    Emoji Icon: ⚛️
    Emoji Name: Atom Symbol
    Emoji Meaning: Represents an atom symbol, symbolizing science, physics, or atomic energy.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Aries
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the zodiac sign Aries, symbolizing energy, initiative, or leadership.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Taurus
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the zodiac sign Taurus, symbolizing stability, determination, or sensuality.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Gemini
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the zodiac sign Gemini, symbolizing versatility, adaptability, or communication.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Cancer
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the zodiac sign Cancer, symbolizing emotions, nurturing, or sensitivity.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Leo
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the zodiac sign Leo, symbolizing strength, leadership, or creativity.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Virgo
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the zodiac sign Virgo, symbolizing organization, diligence, or practicality.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Libra
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the zodiac sign Libra, symbolizing balance, harmony, or diplomacy.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Scorpio
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the zodiac sign Scorpio, symbolizing intensity, passion, or mystery.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Sagittarius
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the zodiac sign Sagittarius, symbolizing adventure, optimism, or freedom.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Capricorn
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the zodiac sign Capricorn, symbolizing ambition, discipline, or responsibility.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Aquarius
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the zodiac sign Aquarius, symbolizing innovation, independence, or humanitarianism.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Pisces
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the zodiac sign Pisces, symbolizing empathy, imagination, or intuition.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Ophiuchus
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the zodiac sign Ophiuchus, symbolizing wisdom, healing, or serpents.

    Emoji Icon: 🔀
    Emoji Name: Shuffle Tracks Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a shuffle tracks button, symbolizing randomization or mixing.

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    Emoji Icon: ▶️
    Emoji Name: Play Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a play button, symbolizing playback or starting an action.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Fast-Forward Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a fast-forward button, symbolizing quick advancement or progress.

    Emoji Icon: ⏭️
    Emoji Name: Next Track Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a next track button, symbolizing moving to the next item or step.

    Emoji Icon: ⏯️
    Emoji Name: Play or Pause Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a play or pause button, symbolizing control over playback or action.

    Emoji Icon: ◀️
    Emoji Name: Reverse Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a reverse button, symbolizing backward movement or rewinding.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Fast Reverse Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a fast reverse button, symbolizing quick backward movement or rewinding.

    Emoji Icon: ⏮️
    Emoji Name: Last Track Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a last track button, symbolizing moving to the previous item or step.

    Emoji Icon: 🔼
    Emoji Name: Upwards Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents an upwards button, symbolizing upward movement or increase.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Fast Up Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a fast up button, symbolizing quick upward movement or increase.

    Emoji Icon: 🔽
    Emoji Name: Downwards Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a downwards button, symbolizing downward movement or decrease.

    Emoji Icon:
    Emoji Name: Fast Down Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a fast down button, symbolizing quick downward movement or decrease.

    Emoji Icon: ⏸️
    Emoji Name: Pause Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a pause button, symbolizing a temporary halt or break.

    Emoji Icon: ⏹️
    Emoji Name: Stop Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a stop button, symbolizing cessation or termination.

    Emoji Icon: ⏺️
    Emoji Name: Record Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a record button, symbolizing recording or capturing.

    Emoji Icon: 🎚️
    Emoji Name: Level Slider
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a level slider, symbolizing audio mixing, control, or sound adjustment.

    Emoji Icon: 🎛️
    Emoji Name: Control Knobs
    Emoji Meaning: Depicts control knobs, symbolizing audio mixing, sound engineering, or adjustments.

    Emoji Icon: 🔅
    Emoji Name: Dim Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a dim button, symbolizing decreased brightness or illumination.

    Emoji Icon: 🔆
    Emoji Name: Bright Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a bright button, symbolizing increased brightness or illumination.

    Emoji Icon: 📶
    Emoji Name: Antenna Bars
    Emoji Meaning: Represents antenna bars, symbolizing signal strength or connectivity.

    Emoji Icon: 📳
    Emoji Name: Vibration Mode
    Emoji Meaning: Represents vibration mode, symbolizing silent or discreet notifications.

    Emoji Icon: 📴
    Emoji Name: Mobile Phone Off
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a mobile phone switched off, symbolizing no network or unavailability.

    Emoji Icon: ♻️
    Emoji Name: Recycling Symbol
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the recycling symbol, symbolizing sustainability, environmental awareness, or reuse.

    Emoji Icon: 🔄
    Emoji Name: Counterclockwise Arrows Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents counterclockwise arrows, symbolizing rotation or backward movement.

    Emoji Icon: 🔁
    Emoji Name: Repeat Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a repeat button, symbolizing looping or repetition.

    Emoji Icon: 🔂
    Emoji Name: Repeat Single Button
    Emoji Meaning: Represents a repeat single button, symbolizing continuous playback or looping.

    Emoji Icon: 🔃
    Emoji Name: Clockwise Vertical Arrows
    Emoji Meaning: Represents clockwise vertical arrows, symbolizing rotation or forward movement.

    Emoji Icon: 🕐
    Emoji Name: One O’clock
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the time 1 o’clock, symbolizing time or scheduling.

    Emoji Icon: 🕑
    Emoji Name: Two O’clock
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the time 2 o’clock, symbolizing time or scheduling.

    Emoji Icon: 🕒
    Emoji Name: Three O’clock
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the time 3 o’clock, symbolizing time or scheduling.

    Emoji Icon: 🕓
    Emoji Name: Four O’clock
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the time 4 o’clock, symbolizing time or scheduling.

    Emoji Icon: 🕔
    Emoji Name: Five O’clock
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the time 5 o’clock, symbolizing time or scheduling.

    Emoji Icon: 🕕
    Emoji Name: Six O’clock
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the time 6 o’clock, symbolizing time or scheduling.

    Emoji Icon: 🕖
    Emoji Name: Seven O’clock
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the time 7 o’clock, symbolizing time or scheduling.

    Emoji Icon: 🕗
    Emoji Name: Eight O’clock
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the time 8 o’clock, symbolizing time or scheduling.

    Emoji Icon: 🕘
    Emoji Name: Nine O’clock
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the time 9 o’clock, symbolizing time or scheduling.

    Emoji Icon: 🕙
    Emoji Name: Ten O’clock
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the time 10 o’clock, symbolizing time or scheduling.

    Emoji Icon: 🕚
    Emoji Name: Eleven O’clock
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the time 11 o’clock, symbolizing time or scheduling.

    Emoji Icon: 🕛
    Emoji Name: Twelve O’clock
    Emoji Meaning: Represents the time 12 o’clock, symbolizing time or scheduling.

    Wrapping Up

    Congratulations! Now, you know what all the symbol emojis mean. Use them strategically to spark curiosity, convey deeper messages, and engage with your audience. But just like deciphering a coded message, you must add them thoughtfully to ensure your audience understands the hidden language you’re creating.

    Don’t Speak Emojis Yet? Social Champ’s Got You!

    Social Champ’s libraries can help you craft captions like a pro! Combine that with our AI Wizard, and create content that gets seen!

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