
The 30 Types of Social Media Content That Work Best in 2024

Social Media Content
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You’re scrolling through your social media feed, your thumb moving at lightning speed.

Suddenly, you stop. Something catches your eye. You engage. You share.

Now ask yourself: What made you pause?

In 2024, creating scroll-stopping content isn’t just an art – it’s a science. And if you’re not in on the secret, you’re already falling behind.

The rules of the game have changed. What worked last week might not even get a second glance today.

To effectively manage your social media, you need to stay ahead of these shifts.

That’s why I’ve put together this ultimate guide. We’re diving deep into the 30 types of social media content that are absolutely crushing it in 2024!

Ready to turn your social media from meh to mega? Let’s get started.

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Short Summary

  • Social media content includes text posts, images, videos, infographics, and interactive elements.
  • It engages the audience, builds authenticity and trust, and makes the brand relatable.
  • You can publish social media content on multiple platforms, including Meta (Facebook), Instagram, X (Twitter), TikTok, Threads, YouTube, and other platforms.
  • Brands can create several types of content, including user-generated content, behind-the-scenes videos, educational posts, live streams, surveys, memes, and more!

What Is Social Media Content?

Social media content encompasses the various forms of information, ideas, and media that are shared on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok.

This type of content includes, but is not limited to, text posts, images, videos, infographics, and interactive elements like polls and quizzes.

Essentially, the effectiveness of social media content hinges on its ability to engage the target audience.

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30 Types of Social Media Content

Diverse and engaging social media content creation is crucial for capturing your audience’s attention and driving meaningful interactions.

Here are 30 types of social media content type that can help you achieve this in 2024:

  1. User-Generated Content

    Calvin Klein effectively using UGC on its Instagram page.
    Calvin Klein effectively using UGC on its Instagram page.

    User-generated content (UGC) encompasses any material created by your customers or followers, including photos, videos, testimonials, and reviews.

    UGC is particularly powerful because it builds trust and authenticity by showcasing real people enjoying your product or service.

    Encouraging your audience to share their experiences not only provides social proof but also

    fosters a sense of community and loyalty around your brand.

    Photos and videos of customers using your products demonstrate practical applications, while testimonials and reviews offer candid feedback that can influence potential buyers.

    Additionally, running challenges or contests that prompt user participation can generate more UGC and boost engagement.

  2. Behind-the-Scenes

    Behind-the-scenes content by Zoot-ro on Instagram
    Behind-the-scenes content by Zoot-ro on Instagram

    Behind-the-scenes content gives your audience a glimpse into your business’s inner workings, making your brand more relatable and transparent.

    This type of content can include day-in-the-life videos showing typical work days, office tours, or sneak peeks of upcoming products.

    By sharing these insights, you humanize your brand and create a stronger connection with your audience.

    Office tours and day-in-the-life videos help potential customers and partners feel more connected, while product sneak peeks build anticipation and excitement for new releases.

  3. Educational Posts

    An educational post by the American School of Paris
    An educational post by the American School of Paris

    Educational content is essential for providing value to your audience and establishing your brand as a knowledgeable authority in your industry.

    Tutorials, how-tos, and explainer videos are great ways to share your expertise and teach your audience something new.

    Step-by-step guides or tutorials can help your audience solve problems or acquire new skills, while explainer videos can make complex concepts more accessible and engaging.

    Sharing industry insights, research findings, and expert opinions also positions your brand as an industry leader and keeps your audience informed.

  4. Live Streams

    Person live streaming to an audience.
    Engage your audience with live streaming for Q&As, product launches, and events.

    Live streaming allows for real-time interaction with your audience, fostering a sense of community and immediacy.

    It is an effective way to engage followers and make them feel part of the experience.

    You can use live streams for Q&A sessions, where you answer questions directly from your audience.

    This can help you build trust and establish authority as a subject matter expert.

    Additionally, live-streaming product launches can create excitement and provide immediate feedback.

    Streaming special events, workshops, or conferences also gives your audience a front-row seat to significant happenings, further strengthening their connection to your brand.

  5. Infographics

    An infographic by Hopkins Medicine on Instagram
    An infographic by Hopkins Medicine on Instagram

    Infographics are an excellent tool for presenting complex information visually.

    In fact, infographics are 30 times more likely to be read than articles, as they make data more digestible and impactful, allowing users to understand it better.

    Infographics can communicate statistics, processes, or comparisons effectively, making them highly shareable.

    You can use them to display key statistics and data points, break down step-by-step processes, or compare different products and features.

    By incorporating infographics into your content strategy, you can enhance the clarity and appeal of your information, helping your audience make informed decisions quickly.

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  1. Polls and Surveys

    A poll on LinkedIn by Sharon van Donkelaar (LinkedIn user)
    A poll on LinkedIn by Sharon van Donkelaar (LinkedIn user)

    Polls and surveys are highly interactive content forms that can significantly boost audience engagement.

    Inviting your followers to share their preferences and opinions allows you to gain valuable insights into what they care about most.

    This information is crucial for tailoring your content strategy to meet your audience’s needs better.

    Regularly incorporating polls and surveys can help you stay attuned to shifts in audience sentiment and preferences, ensuring that your content remains relevant and compelling.

  2. Memes and GIFs

    Ryan Air's use of memes on Instagram
    Ryan Air’s use of memes on Instagram

    Humor is a powerful tool for creating connections with your audience.

    Due to their easily shareable nature, memes and gifs can quickly go viral, adding a fun and relatable element to your social media presence.

    When used appropriately, they can capture attention, foster engagement, and make your brand more approachable.

    What’s more, is that more than 60% of people believe they are more likely to buy from brands that use memes in their marketing!

    However, to maintain credibility and professionalism, it is essential to ensure that the humor aligns with your brand values and resonates with your target audience.

  3. Testimonials and Reviews

    Life Beam using testimonials and reviews for marketing
    Life Beam using testimonials and reviews for marketing

    Testimonials and reviews are critical for building credibility and trust.

    Highlighting positive feedback from satisfied customers showcases your product’s benefits and quality.

    It also provides social proof that can influence potential buyers.

    Authentic testimonials and detailed reviews can offer prospective customers a realistic expectation of what to anticipate.

    This reduces hesitation and increases confidence in your offerings.

  4. Product Announcements

    A snapshot of a reel by Samsung mobile launching its Galaxy Book 2
    A snapshot of a reel by Samsung Mobile launching its Galaxy Book 2

    Keeping your audience informed about new products, features, or updates is vital for maintaining interest and excitement around your brand.

    Product announcement posts effectively serve this purpose.

    They build anticipation and keep your followers engaged with what’s new and noteworthy about your offerings.

    Detailed announcements highlighting key features or improvements help convey the value proposition clearly.

  5. Inspirational Quotes

    Youth Mental Health Canada using inspirational quotes on Instagram.
    Youth Mental Health Canada using inspirational quotes on Instagram.

    Inspirational quotes can deeply resonate with your audience, offering motivation and a sense of personal connection.

    Pairing these quotes with striking visuals enhances their impact, making them more likely to be shared and appreciated.

    Inspirational content can bolster your brand’s image as an uplifting and positive force, fostering goodwill and a deeper emotional connection with your audience.

  6. Contests and Giveaways

    A giveaway by Credlocity on Instagram
    A giveaway by Credlocity on Instagram

    Running contests and giveaways is an effective strategy to boost engagement and expand your following.

    By offering appealing prizes, you can encourage participants to engage with your brand by liking, sharing, or tagging friends. In fact, research shows that giveaways constitute 91% of posts with over a thousand comments!

    This means you can increase your visibility and create a sense of excitement and community around your brand.

    Ensure that the rules are clear and the prizes are relevant to your audience to maximize participation and impact.

  7. Trend Analysis

    Trend analysis on Instagram by Aman Kharwal (Instagram Influencer)
    Trend analysis on Instagram by Aman Kharwal (Instagram Influencer)

    Staying ahead of industry trends is crucial for maintaining relevance and positioning your brand as a thought leader.

    Regularly analyzing and commenting on current trends gives your audience valuable insights and demonstrates your expertise.

    Sharing data-backed observations and forecasts can help your followers make informed decisions and keep them engaged with your content.

    Trend analysis posts can cover emerging technologies, market shifts, or changes in consumer behavior.

  8. Case Studies

    A case study by Marketing Mind on Instagram
    A case study by Marketing Mind on Instagram

    Case studies offer detailed examples of how your product or service has helped clients achieve their goals, providing concrete proof of your value proposition.

    These in-depth narratives showcase real-world applications and results, making your offerings more tangible and credible.

    Highlighting specific challenges, solutions, and outcomes helps potential customers understand your products and services’ practical benefits.

    This enhances trust and encourages conversations.

  9. FAQs

    FAQs on Instagram by Dharma Tech Industries
    FAQs on Instagram by Dharma Tech Industries

    Addressing frequently asked questions (FAQs) is an essential part of customer education and support.

    FAQs help clarify common concerns and provide instant answers, reducing barriers to purchase and improving overall customer satisfaction.

    By proactively addressing these questions, you can streamline potential customers’ decision-making process and demonstrate your commitment to transparency and customer care.

    Regularly updating your FAQs ensures that they remain relevant and comprehensive.

  10. Interactive Stories

    Creating interactive stories on platforms like Instagram and Facebook can significantly enhance audience engagement.

    You can incorporate polls, quizzes, and questions to make your stories more dynamic and engaging.

    Interactive stories capture attention and provide valuable feedback and insights into your audience’s preferences and opinions.

    This real-time interaction fosters a sense of community and makes your audience feel more connected to your brand.

  11. Podcasts

    Podcasts are an increasingly popular medium that offers the opportunity to share in-depth discussions on a wide range of topics.

    Creating and promoting podcast episodes allows you to reach listeners who prefer audio content and provide valuable insights on subjects relevant to your industry.

    Regularly releasing episodes helps build a loyal audience, while sharing episodes on social media platforms can attract new listeners and increase engagement.

  12. Webinars

    Hosting webinars lets you provide educational content and demonstrate your expertise in real time.

    Webinars can cover various topics, from industry trends to product tutorials, offering valuable knowledge to your audience.

    They provide opportunities for live Q&A sessions and immediate feedback, enabling you to engage with your audience in real time.

    Promoting these events on social media is crucial for driving sign-ups and participation.

  13. Seasonal Content

    Creating themed content around holidays and seasonal events can significantly boost relevance and engagement during specific times of the year.

    Seasonal content resonates well with audiences because it aligns with their current interests and activities.

    Whether it’s holiday promotions, back-to-school tips, or summer safety advice, tailoring your content to the season can enhance its impact.

  14. Influencer Collaborations

    Partnering with influencers can expand your reach and enhance credibility.

    Influencers who align with your brand values can effectively promote your products or services to their followers.

    This provides authentic endorsements that can sway potential customers.

    Sharing content created by influencers on your social media platforms amplifies the message and leverages the influencer’s established audience.

    This fosters trust and encourages engagement.

  15. Employee Spotlights

    Highlighting your employees through spotlights humanizes your brand and creates a sense of connection with your audience.

    Sharing their stories, achievements, and contributions showcases the people behind the brand and fosters a more personal relationship with your followers.

    Employee spotlights also demonstrate your company’s culture and values, helping to build trust and loyalty among your audience.

  16. Customer Spotlights

    Customer spotlight on Social Champ's Instagram
    Customer spotlight on Social Champ’s Instagram

    Customer spotlights effectively showcase the success stories and experiences of those who use your products or services.

    You provide social proof of your product’s impact by highlighting real-life examples of how customers have benefited.

    These stories build a sense of community and serve as testimonials that can influence potential buyers.

    Detailed accounts of customer achievements help humanize your brand and demonstrate tangible results.

  17. Guest Posts

    Featuring guest posts from industry experts or influencers introduces fresh perspectives to your content.

    Guest contributors can offer unique insights and expertise that complement your brand’s messaging.

    Additionally, their followers may be drawn to your page, expanding your reach and building credibility.

    Collaborating with respected voices in your industry can enhance the quality of your content and reinforce your position as a thought leader.

  18. Challenges

    Creating and promoting challenges is an excellent way to drive engagement and foster a sense of community among your audience.

    Challenges encourage participants to take specific actions, share their results, and interact with one another.

    This type of content is particularly effective in creating buzz and motivating followers to engage more actively with your brand.

    Clearly defined rules and appealing incentives can maximize participation and impact.

  19. Countdowns

    Countdown posts are great for building anticipation around events, product launches, or sales.

    You create excitement and keep your audience engaged by providing regular updates leading up to the occasion.

    Countdowns help maintain momentum and ensure your followers eagerly look forward to what’s next.

    This approach can heighten interest and encourage timely action during the event or launch.

  20. Throwbacks

    Sharing nostalgic content through throwback posts can evoke emotions and strengthen your audience’s connection.

    Reflecting on past milestones, memorable events, or old products can resonate deeply, fostering a sense of shared history and loyalty.

    Throwbacks engage your audience by tapping into their memories and highlight your brand’s evolution and growth over time.

  21. Industry News

    Businesses can share industry news to position themselves as knowledgeable and stay relevant.

    You can share trends, research findings, upcoming events, new technologies, or regulatory changes.

    Just remember to add your unique perspective or insights to engage the audience and build authority.

    Industry news on LinkedIn
    Industry news on LinkedIn
  22. Event Coverage

    Providing live coverage of events, conferences, or trade shows you attend can keep your audience engaged and informed.

    Sharing real-time updates, photos, and highlights allows those who cannot attend to experience the event virtually.

    This type of content showcases your active participation in industry events and reinforces your position as a knowledgeable and connected player in your field.

  23. Book or Product Recommendations

    Recommending books, products, or tools that you find valuable positions your brand as a trusted resource.

    By sharing curated recommendations, you provide additional value to your audience, helping them make informed decisions.

    Whether it’s a comprehensive guidebook, an innovative gadget, or a useful software tool, your endorsements can build credibility and trust.

  24. DIY and Hacks

    Offering do-it-yourself (DIY) tips and life hacks provides practical and useful content that resonates well with audiences.

    DIY projects and hacks can be widely shared, increasing your content’s reach and engagement.

    These tips should be easy to follow and offer genuine solutions to everyday problems.

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  1. Visual Stories

    Utilizing visual storytelling through platforms like Instagram Stories and TikTok can significantly captivate your audience.

    Short videos, behind-the-scenes clips, and day-in-the-life content create an engaging and relatable narrative.

    Visual stories are dynamic, easily digestible, and highly shareable, making them an effective tool for maintaining audience interest and driving engagement.

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Having a varied social media content strategy is essential for keeping your audience engaged and growing your online presence in 2024.

You can capture your audience’s interest by mixing different types of content—such as user polls, challenges, trend analysis, and visual stories.

Overall, the key to success is maintaining a balance of diverse and consistent content that resonates with your audience and aligns with your brand’s tone.

By adopting these methods, you’ll be better positioned to connect with your followers, boost engagement, and achieve your social media goals!


1. What Are the Social Media Trends in 2024?

In 2024, trends include interactive content, influencer partnerships, short-form videos, and data-driven personalization. Focusing on user engagement and authentic connections is key.

2. What Type of Content Performs Best on Instagram in 2024?

Short-form videos, engaging stories, carousel posts, and user-generated content perform best on Instagram. Visual storytelling remains crucial.

3. How to Grow On Social Media in 2024?

To grow, consistently post diverse content, engage with your audience, leverage influencer collaborations, and analyze performance metrics for optimization.

4. How Do I Measure the Success of My Social Media Content?

Use analytics tools like Social Champ to track engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, shares, and clicks. Monitor these metrics to understand what types of content resonate with your audience.
Picture of Daniel Clark

Daniel Clark

Daniel is a guru of B2B marketing and professional networking. His in-depth knowledge of LinkedIn's unique environment has paved the way for business success.
Social Media Content

The 30 Types of Social Media Content That Work Best in 2024

Picture of Daniel Clark

Daniel Clark

Daniel is a guru of B2B marketing and professional networking. His in-depth knowledge of LinkedIn's unique environment has paved the way for business success.

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