
Essential 15+ Social Media Tips for Business Owners in 2024

Table of Contents

Last year, a small shop owner made an emotional TikTok video about having no customers at his bakery.

It blew up, getting 2 million views in just one day and soon he was out of stock!

This wasn’t just good luck – it shows how powerful smart social media use can be.

Social media keeps changing, and even people who’ve been doing this for years find it hard to stay up-to-date.

In this blog post, we’ll look at 15+ essential social media tips for businesses to thrive in 2024.

From managing social media and short-form videos to working with influencers and investing in ads, these tips will help you boost your social media presence.

Let’s see how you can use social media to reach your business goals this year.

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Short Summary

  • Create high-quality video content such as product demos, behind-the-scenes looks, and customer testimonials for better engagement and reach.
  • Use short-form videos on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, focusing on content under 60 seconds for quick, shareable impact.
  • Partner with micro-influencers for authentic connections, extended reach, and better ROI.
  • Invest in paid social media ads to overcome declining organic reach, boost visibility, and generate leads.
  • Engage with your audience regularly to build a strong online community, fostering loyalty and creating brand advocates.
  • Utilize social media analytics to track performance, refine strategies, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Encourage and leverage user-generated content to build trust, enhance engagement, and create authentic connections.
  • Provide excellent customer service on social media to enhance reputation and foster customer loyalty.
  • Optimize content for mobile devices to cater to the majority of users and improve user experience.
  • Diversify your social media presence by exploring emerging platforms to reach different audience segments.
  • Stay updated with algorithm changes to adapt strategies and maintain visibility.
  • Experiment with new features on social media platforms to stay ahead of the competition and engage your audience.
  • Collaborate with complementary brands to reach new audiences and create mutually beneficial partnerships.
  • Run contests and giveaways to boost engagement, grow your follower base, and increase brand awareness.

15+ Social Media Tips for Businesses in 2024

Here are 15+ social media tips for business that will help you stay ahead of the curve and maximize your social media efforts.

  1. Leverage Video Content

    A snapshot of GE leveraging video content on LinkedIn
    A snapshot of GE leveraging video content on LinkedIn

    Video content continues to dominate social media platforms.

    It’s engaging, easily digestible, and tends to have higher reach and engagement rates compared to other types of content.

    That’s why 88% of marketers continue to use video content as part of their marketing strategy!

    Considering this, it is imperative to focus on creating high-quality video content that resonates with your audience.

    This can include product demos, behind-the-scenes looks, customer testimonials, and educational content.

    You must use these tips on social media for business to make your videos stand out.

    Why Video Matters:

    • High Engagement: Videos capture attention more effectively than text or images, leading to higher engagement rates.
    • Versatility: Whether it’s a quick tip, an in-depth tutorial, or a captivating story, video format accommodates various content types.
    • SEO Benefits: Videos can improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find your brand.

    Types of Videos to Create:

    • Product Demos: Show your products in action to highlight their features and benefits.
    • Behind-the-scenes: Offer a glimpse into your company culture, processes, or events to humanize your brand.
    • Customer Testimonials: Let satisfied customers share their positive experiences to build trust.
    • Educational Content: Provide valuable insights, tips, and how-to to position your brand as an expert in your industry.

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  1. Embrace Short-Form Videos

    A snapshot of YouTube Shorts (short-form video content)
    A snapshot of YouTube Shorts (short-form video content)

    Short-form videos, such as those found on TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, are incredibly popular.

    They are quick, entertaining, and shareable.

    You can use short-form videos to showcase your products, offer quick tips, or share user-generated content.

    Keep them engaging and to the point to quickly capture your audience’s attention.

    These social media tips for business will help you create engaging short-form content.

    Pro Tip: If your goal is to create short-form videos, create content that lasts under 60 seconds! 80% of marketers agree that videos are most effective under 60 seconds.

    Benefits of Short-Form Videos:

    • Quick Consumption: Short videos cater to the fast-paced browsing habits of modern users.
    • Viral Potential: Their shareability increases the chances of your content going viral.
    • Cost-Effective: They are easier and quicker to produce compared to long-form content.

    Creative Ideas for Short-Form Videos:

    • Product Highlights: Quickly showcase the key features of your products.
    • User Tips: Share useful tips or hacks related to your products or industry.
    • Challenges and Trends: Participate in trending challenges to increase visibility and engagement.
    • Behind-the-Scenes Snippets: Offer brief insights into your daily operations or special events.

  2. Utilize Influencer Marketing

    A snapshot of influencer marketing by the OUAI on Instagram.
    A snapshot of influencer marketing by the OUAI on Instagram.

    Influencer marketing remains a powerful strategy.

    Collaborating with influencers who align with your brand can help you reach a broader audience and build credibility.

    This year, it’s best to focus on micro-influencers (those with smaller but highly engaged followings) as they often offer better ROI and more authentic connections with their audience.

    Follow these social media tips for businesses to select the right influencers.

    Advantages of Influencer Marketing:

    • Extended Reach: Tap into the influencer’s follower base to expand your audience.
    • Increased Trust: Followers tend to trust recommendations from influencers they follow.
    • Targeted Campaigns: Work with influencers who cater to your target demographic for more effective results.

    How to Choose the Right Influencers:

    • Relevance: Ensure the influencer’s content aligns with your brand values and audience.
    • Engagement Rates: Focus on highly engaged influencers rather than just large follower counts.
    • Authenticity: Opt for influencers who genuinely use and support your products.

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  1. Invest in Social Media Advertising

    A snapshot of a paid ad on YouTube
    A snapshot of a paid ad on YouTube

    Organic reach on social media is declining, making paid advertising essential for reaching your target audience.

    Therefore, you must invest in social media ads to boost visibility, drive traffic, and generate leads.

    Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok offer robust advertising tools that allow for precise targeting and performance tracking.

    These social media tips for businesses will guide you through creating effective ad campaigns.

    Benefits of Paid Social Media Advertising:

    • Enhanced Reach: Overcome the limitations of organic reach by targeting specific demographics.
    • Measurable Results: Track ad performance with detailed analytics to measure ROI.
    • Customizable Campaigns: Tailor your ads based on audience interests, behaviors, and demographics.

    Tips for Effective Social Media Ads:

    • Compelling Visuals: Use eye-catching images or videos to grab attention.
    • Clear Call-to-Action: Encourage users to take a specific action, such as visiting your website or making a purchase.
    • A/B Testing: Experiment with different ad variations to determine what works best.
  2. Focus on Community Building

    A snapshot of community building by Social Champ on Facebook
    A snapshot of community building by Social Champ on Facebook

    Building a strong online community around your brand fosters loyalty and trust.

    You must engage with your audience through comments, direct messages, and group interactions.

    Create spaces where your customers can connect with each other and with your brand.

    This sense of belonging can turn customers into brand advocates.

    Implement these social media marketing tips for small business to strengthen their online communities.

    Benefits of Community Building:

    • Customer Loyalty: A strong community encourages repeat business and long-term loyalty.
    • Brand Advocacy: Engaged community members often become vocal advocates for your brand.
    • Valuable Feedback: Active communities provide insights and feedback that can inform your business decisions.

    Strategies for Building a Community:

    • Interactive Content: Encourage discussions and interactions through polls, questions, and live sessions.
    • Exclusive Groups: Create private groups or forums for your most loyal customers.
    • Regular Engagement: Consistently interact with your audience to maintain an active and vibrant community.
  3. Use Analytics to Drive Strategy

    Using Social Champ's Analytics tool to discover account analytics
    Using Social Champ’s Analytics tool to discover account analytics

    Social media analytics provide valuable insights into your audience’s behavior and preferences.

    Use tools like Facebook Insights, Instagram Analytics, and Google Analytics to track key metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversions.

    You can also simply use Social Champ to access analytics on all your social media platforms in one place!

    You can always analyze this data to refine your strategy and make data-driven decisions.

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Importance of Analytics:

  • Performance Tracking: Measure the effectiveness of your social media campaigns.
  • Audience Insights: Understand who your audience is and what they respond to.
  • Strategy Optimization: Adjust your tactics based on data to improve results.

Key Metrics to Monitor:

  • Engagement Rate: Indicates how interactive your audience is with your content.
  • Reach and Impressions: This shows how many people see your content.
  • Conversion Rate: Measures how well your social media efforts drive desired actions, such as sales or sign-ups.
  1. Incorporate User-Generated Content

    A snapshot of user-generated content by Glossier on Instagram
    A snapshot of user-generated content by Glossier on Instagram

    User-generated content (UGC) is authentic and relatable, making it highly effective for building trust and engagement.

    Encourage your customers to share photos, videos, and reviews of your products.

    Feature UGC on your social media profiles to showcase real-life use cases and customer satisfaction.

    Use these social media tips for businesses to encourage and leverage UGC.

    Benefits of UGC:

    • Authenticity: Real customer experiences are more trustworthy than branded content.
    • Engagement: Customers feel valued when their content is shared, boosting engagement.
    • Cost-Effective: UGC is a low-cost way to generate high-quality content.

    How to Encourage UGC:

    • Create Hashtags: Develop branded hashtags for customers to use when sharing their experiences.
    • Run Contests: Hold contests that encourage customers to create and share content.
    • Feature UGC: Regularly share user-generated content on your social media channels to inspire others to contribute.
  2. Prioritize Customer Service

    Social media is now a crucial channel for customer service.

    Providing excellent customer service on social media can enhance your brand’s reputation and foster customer loyalty.

    These social media tips for businesses will improve your customer service.

    Key Practices:

    • Prompt Responses: Quickly address inquiries, complaints, and feedback to show customers that you value their time and concerns.
    • Personalized Interaction: Customize your responses to make customers feel heard and appreciated rather than giving generic replies.
    • Use Technology: Implement chatbots and automated responses to handle common queries efficiently, freeing up human agents for more complex issues.


    • Enhanced Reputation: Excellent customer service can turn dissatisfied customers into brand advocates.
    • Increased Loyalty: Timely and effective service strengthens customer relationships and encourages repeat business.
    • Public Visibility: Positive interactions can be seen by others, enhancing your brand image.
  3. Optimize for Mobile

    Research shows that 75% of users look at content on mobile devices, which necessitates the need for mobile-optimized content.

    Here’s how you can create content for mobile devices.

    Mobile Optimization Tips:

    • Responsive Design: Ensure your post designs and video content are mobile-friendly.
    • Vertical Formats: Use vertical formats for videos and images to align with mobile screen orientations.
    • Concise Text: Keep text short and easy to read on small screens to maintain user engagement.


    • Better User Experience: Optimized content ensures users have a seamless experience, reducing bounce rates.
    • Higher Engagement: Mobile-friendly content is more engaging, leading to higher interaction rates.
    • Broader Reach: Catering to mobile users expands your audience potential.
  4. Diversify Your Social Media Platforms

    While it’s essential to have a strong presence on major platforms like Facebook and Instagram, exploring newer channels can help reach different segments of your audience.

    You can use these tips to reach different audience segments.

    Emerging Platforms to Consider:

    • TikTok: Ideal for creating viral short-form videos and reaching a younger audience.
    • Clubhouse: Great for audio-based networking and discussions.
    • Discord: Offers community-building and real-time communication through servers.


    • New Audiences: Each platform attracts different user demographics, expanding your reach.
    • Unique Features: Different platforms offer varied features that can enhance your content strategy.
    • Reduced Risk: Diversifying reduces dependency on a single platform, mitigating the impact of algorithm changes or platform-specific issues.

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  1. Stay Updated With Algorithm Changes

    Social media algorithms constantly evolve, affecting how content is prioritized and displayed.

    Staying Informed:

    • Follow Industry News: Subscribe to newsletters, blogs, and industry publications.
    • Attend Webinars: Participate in online seminars and workshops to learn from experts.
    • Engage in Forums: Join industry forums and groups to share insights and stay updated on best practices.


    • Adapted Strategy: Staying informed lets you tweak your strategies to maintain visibility.
    • Competitive Edge: Knowledge of the latest changes keeps you ahead of competitors who may not be as proactive.
    • Improved Performance: Optimizing content according to the latest algorithm updates can enhance engagement metrics.
  2. Leverage Stories and Reels

    Stories and Reels are engaging formats that encourage spontaneous and authentic content.

    Effective Use of Stories and Reels:

    • Behind-the-Scenes: Share moments that give followers an inside look at your brand.
    • Promotions: Use these formats to highlight limited-time offers and promotions.
    • Updates: Provide timely updates and announcements to keep your audience informed.


    • High Engagement: Their engaging nature keeps viewers interested and coming back for more.
    • Urgency: The ephemeral nature creates a sense of urgency, prompting immediate action.
    • Authenticity: Stories and Reels allow for more personal and authentic connections with your audience.
  3. Run Contests and Giveaways

    Contests and giveaways are highly effective for boosting engagement and growing your follower base.

    Creating Successful Contests:

    • Clear Rules: Make sure contest rules are straightforward and easy to follow.
    • Relevant Prizes: Offer prizes that are attractive and relevant to your audience.
    • Interactive Challenges: Encourage participation through photo challenges, quizzes, or caption contests.


    • Increased Engagement: Contests encourage active participation and interaction.
    • Follower Growth: They can attract new followers who are interested in winning prizes.
    • Brand Awareness: Contests and giveaways increase the visibility and awareness of your brand.
  4. Engage With Your Audience Regularly

    Consistent engagement is key to building a loyal following.

    Engagement Strategies

    • Prompt Responses: Quickly reply to comments, messages, and mentions to show you value your audience.
    • Show Appreciation: Like and share user-generated content to acknowledge your followers.
    • Regular Interaction: Maintain ongoing conversations to strengthen relationships and build community.


    • Loyal Following: Regular engagement fosters loyalty and encourages repeat interactions.
    • Algorithm Boost: Active engagement signals to social media algorithms that your content is valuable.
    • Community Building: Consistent interaction helps create a strong and engaged community around your brand.
  5. Experiment With New Features

    Social media platforms frequently roll out new features and tools.

    Experimenting with these can keep you ahead of the competition.

    How to Experiment

    • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with platform updates and new feature announcements.
    • Try New Tools: Test new ad formats, creative storytelling tools, or interaction methods.
    • Measure Results: Track the performance of new features to see what works best for your audience.


    • Innovative Strategies: Trying new features can lead to creative and effective marketing strategies.
    • Competitive Advantage: Early adoption of new features can set you apart from competitors.
    • Audience Engagement: New features can refresh your content and engage your audience.
  6. Collaborate With Other Brands

    A collaborative post between Yeezy and Adidas
    A collaborative post between Yeezy and Adidas

    Collaborations with complementary brands can help you reach new audiences and create mutually beneficial partnerships.

    Collaboration Ideas

    • Co-Created Content: Work together to produce content that benefits both brands.
    • Joint Events: Host events, webinars, or live sessions in partnership with other brands.
    • Cross-Promotions: Promote each other’s products or services to your respective audiences.


    • New Audiences: Collaborations introduce your brand to new potential customers.
    • Shared Resources: Pooling resources can lead to higher-quality content and campaigns.
    • Mutual Benefit: Both brands can benefit from increased exposure and credibility.


Social media will continue to play a crucial role in business growth and customer engagement.

By leveraging these 15+ essential social media tips for business owners, you can stay ahead of the curve, build stronger connections with their audience, and achieve their marketing goals.

Stay adaptable, keep learning, and embrace the ever-changing social media landscape.


1. How Often Should I Post on Social Media?

The frequency of posting depends on the platform and your audience. Generally, post 3-5 times a week on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, daily on Twitter (X), and a few times a week on LinkedIn. You can monitor your engagement and adjust accordingly.

2. What Type of Content Works Best on Social Media?

Engaging and visually appealing content tends to perform well. This includes videos, images, infographics, and user-generated content. Educational and entertaining posts that provide value to your audience are also effective.

3. How Do I Measure the Success of My Social Media Efforts?

Use social media analytics tools to track key metrics, such as engagement, reach, impressions, and conversions. Set specific goals and KPIs to measure your performance against these objectives. Regularly review and adjust your strategy based on the data.

4. Should I Focus On Organic Reach or Paid Advertising?

Both organic reach and paid advertising are important. Organic reach helps build a genuine connection with your audience, while paid advertising can boost visibility and drive targeted traffic. A balanced approach that incorporates both strategies is ideal.

5. How Can I Improve My Social Media Engagement?

To improve engagement, create high-quality and relevant content, respond to comments and messages promptly, use interactive elements like polls and quizzes, and encourage user-generated content. Regularly analyze your performance and make adjustments based on what resonates with your audience.
Picture of Sarah Anderson

Sarah Anderson

Sarah is a seasoned social media marketing expert with a proven track record of helping brands boost their online presence. Her innovative strategies and insights have driven success for numerous businesses.

Essential 15+ Social Media Tips for Business Owners in 2024

Picture of Sarah Anderson

Sarah Anderson

Sarah is a seasoned social media marketing expert with a proven track record of helping brands boost their online presence. Her innovative strategies and insights have driven success for numerous businesses.

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