The Pinterest Shopping Features You Should Know in 2024

Table of Contents

Do you also scroll through Pinterest, completely smitten with a gorgeous living room setup or the perfect summer dress, only to get lost in the browsing abyss?

Been there, pinned that (literally).

But listen up, Pinheads, because Pinterest in 2024 is more than just a mood board – it’s a full-on shopping haven.

We’re talking about features that spark inspiration and help you snag those inspiring finds with a few clicks. From price-drop alerts to shopping within regular pins, Pinterest has become a game-changer for shopping enthusiasts.

So, if your brand has not leveraged this platform yet, you need to read this guide. But before you do anything else, get yourself a Pinterest scheduler to post consistently on the platform!

What Is Pinterest Shopping?

Pinterest Shopping is a collection of tools and features that make it easy to buy and sell directly on the platform. Unlike traditional e-commerce sites, where users visit a specific website to shop, Pinterest integrates shopping into its visually driven experience.

This allows users to discover products naturally through Pins and personalized recommendations, merging inspiration with shopping beautifully.

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Key Features of Pinterest Shopping

Shopping on Pinterest comes with several key components, including the following:

  1. Product Pins
Pinterest shopping
Pinterest shopping

Product Pins provide real-time pricing, availability, and direct links to the retailer’s website, making it easy for users to get detailed information and purchase items they like.

  • Shop Tab
    The Shop tab on business profiles allows brands to showcase their entire Pinterest shopping catalog in one place, providing a curated shopping experience. This makes it easier for users to explore and buy products directly from Pinterest.
  • Shopping Ads
    Pinterest’s Shopping Ads help businesses promote their product list to a broader audience via targeted advertising. These ads appear as regular Pins but are specifically designed to drive sales by targeting users based on their interests and behavior.
  • Catalogs


Pinterest shopping
Pinterest shopping

Businesses can upload their entire product catalog to Pinterest, enabling the automatic creation of Product Pins. This feature simplifies getting products onto the platform and ensures they are always up-to-date.

  • Shopping Spotlights
    Shopping Spotlights show the expert’s picks and trending products. It offers users curated collections that can spark new ideas and drive purchases.
  • Visual Search
    Pinterest’s Lens tool allows users to take a photo of an item and find similar products on the platform. This visual search capability helps users discover and purchase new items during their Pinterest shopping.


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How Shopping Ads Work on Pinterest

Shopping Ads on Pinterest are designed to look like regular Pins, fitting naturally into the platform. These ads help users discover and purchase products by attractively showcasing them.

When users click on a Shopping Ad, they go straight to the product page on your website, making the buying process simple and quick. Here’s how you can create shopping ads on the platform:

  1. Shopping Pins Configuration

    • Design your product catalog.
    • Create Shopping Pins by selecting products from your catalog.
    • Add attractive images, concise descriptions, and the product price.
    • Enable the “Shop on Pinterest” feature for direct checkout.

  2. Set up a Campaign

    • Go to Pinterest Ads Manager.
    • Create a new ad campaign.
    • Set campaign objectives, budget, and schedule.
    • Choose the Pins you want to promote.

  3. Define Ad Groups

    • Within your campaign, create ad groups.
    • Assign separate budgets and targeting strategies for each ad group.

  4. Audience Targeting

    • Utilize Pinterest’s targeting options, such as interests, keywords, demographics, and online behaviors.

  5. Ongoing Monitoring and Optimization

    • Monitor your campaign’s performance regularly.
    • Use Pinterest Ads Manager metrics to evaluate success.
    • Adjust your ads as needed to improve ROI.


Benefits of Pinterest Shopping for Brands

Pinterest Shopping offers several advantages for brands looking to grow their online presence and increase sales. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Engaged Audience: Pinterest users often seek ideas and products, making them likely to interact with shopping content and make purchases.
  2. Visual Showcase: The platform’s visual focus allows brands to display their products in an attractive way, drawing more interest from potential customers.
  3. Website Traffic: Linking Product Pins to your website can drive more visitors to your online store, boosting the chances of sales.
  4. Sales Boost: Features like Shopping Ads and Catalogs help brands promote products to users ready to buy, leading to higher sales.
  5. Useful Tools: Pinterest provides tools like personalized recommendations and analytics to help brands understand user behavior and refine their approach.
  6. Brand Awareness: Regularly sharing quality pins and engaging with users can help build recognition and loyalty over time.

Pinterest Shopping helps brands connect with their audience, show off their products, and achieve better business results.

How Brands Can Use Pinterest Shopping Online

Pinterest Shopping helps brands reach more people, show off their products, and drive more sales with eye-catching content.

  1. Optimize Your Product Pins

    Optimizing your Product Pins is crucial to get the most out of Pinterest Shopping. Here’s how:

    • High-Quality Images: Use clear, high-resolution images that highlight your product’s best features. Attractive visuals are key to catching users’ attention.
    • Accurate Descriptions: Include detailed and accurate product descriptions. This helps users understand what they’re looking at and makes them more likely to purchase.
    • Up-to-date pricing: Ensure that your pricing information is current. Product Pins should reflect real-time prices and availability to avoid frustrating potential customers.

  2. Use Catalogs

    Pinterest’s Catalog feature allows you to bulk upload your entire product inventory. This has several benefits:

    • Efficiency: Save time by uploading multiple products simultaneously instead of adding them individually.
    • Dynamic Pins: Automatically create Product Pins from your catalog, ensuring your Pinterest profile is always stocked with up-to-date, shoppable content.
    • Consistency: Maintain consistency across your product listings, making it easier for users to find and buy your products.

  3. Create Thematic Collections

    Thematic collections can make your products more appealing by grouping them around specific themes or events:

    • Seasonal Trends: Highlight products that fit current seasonal trends, such as summer fashion or winter holiday decor.
    • Holidays: Create collections for major holidays like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, or Halloween. This will attract users who are looking for themed items.
    • Special Events: Curate collections around special events, such as back-to-school season, weddings, or birthdays. This helps users find relevant products more easily.

  4. Engage With Influencers

    Partnering with Pinterest influencers can boost your brand’s visibility and credibility:

    • Authentic Promotion: Influencers can showcase your products as relatable and authentic, helping you build trust with their followers.
    • Broaden Reach: Influencers often have large, engaged audiences. Collaborating with them can introduce your products to new potential customers.
    • Creative Content: Influencers can create unique and engaging content featuring your products that you can repurpose for your own marketing efforts.

  5. Utilize Retargeting

    Dynamic retargeting campaigns are essential for re-engaging users who have previously shown interest in your products:

    • Personalized Ads: Show personalized product recommendations based on users’ browsing behavior, increasing the chances of conversion.
    • Re-engage Visitors: Remind users of the items they viewed but didn’t purchase, encouraging them to return and complete the transaction.
    • Increase Sales: Retargeting helps capture potential sales that might otherwise be lost, improving your overall conversion rates.

By implementing these strategies, brands can effectively use Pinterest Shopping to enhance their online presence, engage with potential customers, and drive sales.

How to Get Started With Pinterest Shopping

Pinterest Shopping can significantly enhance your brand’s digital presence and drive more sales. Let’s take a look at how you can get started!

  1. Set up a Business Account

    If you haven’t already, create a Pinterest Business account to access all the shopping features. This step is crucial as it enables you to utilize Pinterest’s full suite of tools to help businesses promote their products effectively.

  2. Claim Your Website

    Verify your website on Pinterest to gain access to analytics and ensure your content is attributed to your brand. This involves adding a meta tag or HTML file to your site or using a supported third-party app for verification. Once completed, you’ll be able to see detailed analytics about the performance of your Pins and enhance your brand’s credibility on the platform.

  3. Upload Your Catalog

    Use Pinterest’s Catalogs feature to upload your product inventory. This process allows you to automatically generate Product Pins from your catalog, keeping your Pinterest profile updated with shoppable content. Preparing your product data feed according to Pinterest’s specifications will ensure a smooth upload process.

  4. Enable Rich Pins

    Apply for Rich Pins to add extra information to your Product Pins, such as real-time pricing and availability. To enable Rich Pins, you need to add specific meta tags to your website and validate them through Pinterest. Rich Pins make your products more informative and appealing to potential customers, which can boost conversion rates.

  5. Create Shopping Ads

    Set up Shopping Ads to promote your products and drive traffic to your website. Use Pinterest’s Ad Manager to create these ads by selecting the products you want to advertise and setting your target audience, budget, and ad duration. Shopping Ads are designed to blend seamlessly with organic content, making them more engaging for users.

  6. Monitor Performance

    Use Pinterest Analytics to track the performance of your Shopping Ads and make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns. Key metrics to monitor include impressions, clicks, conversions, and overall engagement. By analyzing this data, you can adjust your strategies to improve performance and achieve better results from your Pinterest Shopping efforts.

5 Pinterest Shopping Examples for Inspiration

These Pinterest shopping examples can spark new ideas and strategies to boost your brand’s online sales and engagement.

  1. Anthropologie

    Pinterest shopping
    Pinterest shopping

    Anthropologie uses Pinterest’s Shopping Spotlights to create themed collections that appeal to its audience. Organizing products into collections like “Spring Fashion Trends” or “Holiday Gift Guide” makes it easy for users to find what they want based on the season or special occasions.

    These collections are carefully curated to highlight products that fit a specific theme. For example, during spring, Anthropologie might showcase floral dresses, light jackets, and fresh accessories that are perfect for the season.

    Similarly, during the holiday season, a “Holiday Gift Guide” collection could include a variety of gift ideas, from cozy sweaters to unique home decor items, helping shoppers find the perfect present.

  2. Wayfair

    Pinterest shopping
    Pinterest shopping

    Wayfair effectively uses dynamic retargeting on Pinterest to increase its conversion rates. It shows personalized product recommendations to users who have previously visited its website.

    Dynamic retargeting works by tracking user behavior and preferences and serving ads tailored to their interests and past interactions with Wayfair.

    When a user visits Wayfair’s website and looks at various products, this information is used to create targeted ads. These ads appear on the user’s Pinterest feed, showcasing products similar to those they previously viewed or related items.

    For instance, if a user browsed outdoor furniture, Wayfair’s dynamic retargeting might display ads featuring patio sets, garden decor, or other outdoor living essentials.

    This personalized approach increases the likelihood of conversion by reminding users of the products they are interested in and encouraging them to complete their purchases.

  3. Etsy

    Pinterest shopping
    Pinterest shopping

    Etsy uses Product Pins on Pinterest to highlight their unique handmade items. These Product Pins feature high-quality images and detailed descriptions, making it easy for users to discover and buy special products. The clear photos show off the items well, while the detailed descriptions provide information about the materials, craftsmanship, and origins of each piece.

    This approach helps attract users looking for unique and personalized items. The high-quality visuals draw users in, and the detailed descriptions help them make informed decisions, leading to more sales directly through Pinterest.

  4. Nordstrom

    Pinterest shopping
    Pinterest shopping

    Nordstrom improves its Pinterest shopping strategy by partnering with influencers to showcase their products in real-life settings. These partnerships add authenticity and relatability to their brand, as influencers share how they use Nordstrom products daily.

    By featuring products in real-life contexts, such as a cozy living room or a stylish outfit, Nordstrom helps users imagine how the items might work for them. This relatability builds trust with potential customers and inspires them to purchase based on the influencers’ recommendations.

  5. West Elm

    Pinterest shopping
    Pinterest shopping

    West Elm uses Pinterest’s Catalogs feature to upload their entire product inventory. This ensures that users can always find the latest home decor items available for purchase. By keeping its catalog up-to-date, West Elm allows users to explore various products, from furniture to decorative accessories.

    This strategy ensures that users have access to the newest selections and can easily shop for the latest trends in home decor.

Featured Article: 35+ Essential Pinterest Statistics Marketers Need to Know in 2024


As Pinterest grows its shopping tools, it’s important for brands to stay up-to-date with the newest features and tips. Using Pinterest Shopping can help you reach an active audience, drive traffic to your website, and increase sales. Whether you’re new or want to improve your strategy, this guide’s insights and examples will help you get the most out of Pinterest’s shopping features in 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Pinterest Still Relevant in 2024?

Yes, Pinterest remains highly relevant in 2024. It continues to be a popular platform for discovering ideas and products, especially with its growing shopping tools and features.

2. What Are the New Features of Pinterest?

Pinterest has introduced several new features, including enhanced shopping tools, personalized recommendations, and improved analytics to help brands better understand their audience and optimize their strategies.

3. Does Pinterest Have a Shop Feature?

Yes, Pinterest has a shop feature that allows users to browse and buy products directly through the platform. Brands can showcase their products using Product Pins and catalogs to make shopping easy and convenient for users.

4. What Are Shopping Recommendations on Pinterest?

Shopping recommendations on Pinterest are personalized product suggestions based on user preferences and browsing behavior. These recommendations help users find items that match their interests and needs, making shopping more enjoyable and efficient.

5. How Can I Partner With Influencers on Pinterest?

To partner with influencers on Pinterest, identify influencers whose audience aligns with your target market. Reach out to them with a proposal for collaboration, ensuring that the partnership feels authentic and mutually beneficial.

6. What Is the Best Way to Use Catalogs on Pinterest?

The best way to use Catalogs on Pinterest is to regularly update your product inventory, ensure high-quality images and accurate descriptions, and create dynamic, shoppable Pins that are visually appealing and provide all necessary product information.
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Picture of Daniel Clark

Daniel Clark

Daniel is a guru of B2B marketing and professional networking. His in-depth knowledge of LinkedIn's unique environment has paved the way for business success.

The Pinterest Shopping Features You Should Know in 2024

Picture of Daniel Clark

Daniel Clark

Daniel is a guru of B2B marketing and professional networking. His in-depth knowledge of LinkedIn's unique environment has paved the way for business success.

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