SendX for Simple Email Campaign Management

Today, digital marketers have a lot of options when it comes to digital marketing tools. For instance, a social media management tool can handle all aspects of the campaigns, from scheduling to tracking the performance of the posts. Likewise, since email marketing is an essential element of digital marketing, and email marketing tool is basically a necessity.

Email marketing has always been an essential component of digital marketing strategies, mainly because of the high ROI for the efforts invested in the campaigns.

For many digital marketing teams, emails are a quick and relatively quick way of reaching a huge audience and presenting your offer in an attractive package. For this precise reason, emails are considered a part of any marketing collateral, right alongside banners and coupon codes.

Table of Content: SendX for Simple Email Campaign Management

Over time, email marketing has been refined to fine art, and many courses and manuals cover the ins and outs of the process, from the way an email should be written to the art of cold approaching your would-be customers.

Perhaps, the best thing about email marketing is that it is invariably a great fit for B2B, B2C, and C2C niches. In fact, email marketing has become the de facto way marketing is done in B2B niches, where businesses communicate their offers to businesses located down the supply chain. In many cases, these emails are exclusive to the marketing campaigns targeted toward B2B customers and are seldom used in B2C marketing.

The Role of Platforms in High-ROI Campaigns

Gone are the days when marketing managers could sketch a digital marketing campaign on a napkin and have space left over. These days, a digital marketing campaign has so many moving parts that while the top-level campaign could still fit on a napkin, the details require a detailed flow chart.

This complexity is handled by digital marketing tools that take care of all mundane tasks and ensure all moving parts are connected without any break in the campaign.

Email marketing today depends on email campaign management tools that ensure that the email drips (sequence of emails) are correctly organized. Perhaps the most important task that these email marketing tools handle is sending out the emails in response to “triggers,” specific conditions that should be true in order for an email to be sent.

Let us introduce you to a powerful email management tool that can significantly simplify your email marketing challenges and allow you to leverage the full power of email marketing without getting bogged down by details.

Introducing SendX

SendX is a popular email management platform with a unique USP in the digital marketing world – unlimited emails with all plans.

This is something that used to be unheard of when marketers considered email marketing platforms. This is how SendX carved out its place in a very crowded industry. The idea that anybody at any price tier can send out as many emails as they wish is revolutionary and builds a solid reputation.

Another great option of the platform is that every user can access all features of the platform. As such, the users can use the features of the platform. Again this is a very unique value proposition that is all-inclusive and allows even the smallest of the teams to leverage email marketing for maximum impact.

However, for many users, the most significant benefit of the tool is the combination of features and options that simplify the entire email marketing process and allow them to save time and effort that can be invested elsewhere. This is something that users of other tools would greatly appreciate.

Easy Email Management


SendX simplifies the process of setting up and sending out campaign and drip emails. This makes it an ideal tool for almost every digital business out there.

The tool also has a solution to one of the most pressing challenges in email marketing – well-formatted emails that look great on all screams. The integrated email editor supports drag-and-drop editing that reduces the time to draft and finalize the emails.

Once everything is ready, you can use the A/B testing capability to experiment with subject lines and sender names. This means an improvement to your email marketing process every time you execute an email campaign.

As you can imagine, you have fine control over how you wish to execute the email campaign. The email campaigns can be set to broadcast to all or a segment of your email list. Similarly, the drip email campaigns have several trigger options that allow you to send out drip emails in response to various scenarios.

Finally, the tool offers an extensive list of options that you can tweak to streamline your email campaigns’ performance and drips.

Extensive Automation Options


Email marketing has grown to the extent where it is no longer just composing the emails and sending them to a list of subscribers.

These days, you need automation as a default feature of email marketing tools. These automation-focused features take away the tedium from email management by taking over the mundane, repetitive tasks and freeing up your time.

The essential automation option offered by SendX is autoresponders that send out a canned reply when certain conditions are met. Autoresponders are more commonly used to respond to emails when you are unavailable for a specific duration. However, e-commerce stores and other digital businesses use autoresponders to send out transactional emails in response to particular triggers.

SendX comes with a great autoresponder that you can use to take care of routine emails without responding to every email. The tool also supports other automation options for simplifying the workflow.

Another important aspect of automation is the segmentation (the process of dividing an extensive email list into segments that contain specific email addresses as determined by the segmentation parameter) of the email lists. Email lists are segmented on gender, the location of the user in the life cycle (new user vs. old users), the price plan, and location. When starting the brands, do not worry about segmentation because the email list is not that large, and the number of outgoing emails is too much.

However, as the list grows, the businesses soon discover that segmentation and making a sublist out of the more extensive list requires much work. This is where the power of automated segmentation pays rich dividends.

With SendX, you can segment your email lists into segments as you see fit. You also get the option to send emails to entire segments or filter out email addresses from the segments. This allows you excellent control over who you wish to target in your email marketing campaign.

24×7 Support

The true measure of a tool is how good the support is when you really need it. SendX understands this very well and offers round-the-clock email-based support. So if you ever get stuck using the tool, simply shoot them an email, and they will get back to you in no time.

SendX also offers migration from other solutions so that users do not have to worry about missing out on a setting or wasting hours trying to discover the right options. Additionally, the knowledge base has detailed articles on how to use the tool and its various features.

The Pricing Model

Now that you know all the amazing features of SendX, you must be wondering about how the pricing works. The team behind SendX understands how email marketing works and how the tools should be priced to make sure the tool generates a profit and maintains its image of being an excellent tool for all marketing teams.

SendX charges based on how many subscribers you have in your email marketing lists. This single number lies at the heart of how the success of any email marketing is measured. So the pricing model is based on how many subscribers you wish to engage.

Here’s the price chart at the time of writing of this review:

  • $7.49 for upto 1000 subscribers
  • $14.99 for 1,001 – 2,500 subscribers
  • $29.99 for 2,501 – 5,000 subscribers
  • $39.99 for 5,001 – 10,000 subscribers
  • $44.99 for 10,001 – 15,000 subscribers


If you are looking for a feature-rich email management platform that offers industry-standard functionality at very competitive prices, SendX checks all the boxes. The tool is easy to set up and allows for a wide range of customizations that add value to any digital marketing campaign.

Give SendX a try and let us know in the comments below how it went!

Picture of Zafar Iqbal

Zafar Iqbal

I am a content producer and a proud member of the #ChampFam. You would find me thinking about new content ideas and writing awesome blog posts. When not working, I usually listen to a good podcast or try to hit the 10K steps-a-day target. You can reach out to me at [email protected]

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