If you’re worried about what people might think when they see your likes on X (formerly Twitter), there’s great news!

X is now making likes private, so no one can see what others have liked on the platform. While this change may not seem significant to everyone, those who have held back from liking controversial content due to privacy concerns will likely enjoy this update.

“Public likes are incentivizing the wrong behavior.  For example, many people feel discouraged from liking content that might be “edgy” in fear of retaliation from trolls, or to protect their public image. Soon you’ll be able to like without worrying who might see it. Also a reminder that the more posts you like, the better your “For you” algorithm will become.” — X Engineer Haofei Wang

This update from X simplifies things for both users and the algorithm. By making likes on posts private, users can freely like whatever content they prefer without worrying about judgment from their followers. This means if you’ve hesitated to like certain posts in the past because they might be controversial, you can now do so without any reservations.

The new update from X allows users to like whatever content they want to see more of, which not only makes it easier for users but also helps the algorithm tailor feeds more effectively. As a result, users are likely to engage more by liking additional posts, benefiting the platform.

However, this freedom could lead to an uptick in controversial content being liked without restraint. Despite potential issues, the update is making waves as it grants users newfound liberty on the platform, which is widely being celebrated.

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