X has released a new update for premium subscribers! Now, you can check the performance of your content with X’s enhanced analytics. This update makes tracking engagement, views, likes, and other insights easier for paid users.

Today, we’re rolling out a new and improved analytics page. Upgrade to Premium to get daily insights into how your posts are performing. — X

Although X has been marketing this update as an enhancement for premium subscribers, many of the features in the advanced analytics were previously accessible to all users. The update mainly introduces more sophisticated technology for analyzing data, but before this, all users already had the ability to view their insights.

With this upgrade, X has restricted analytics access to only paid subscribers. This move could be a strategy to boost the number of paid subscriptions on the platform. If users find the advanced analytics particularly valuable, they might be persuaded to upgrade to a premium subscription. In retrospect, this approach could turn out to be advantageous for X.

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