
How Often Should You Post on Instagram in 2024? Ideal Frequency and Posting Times

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Ever scroll through Instagram feeling like your account is lost in a sea of stunning photos?

You’re not alone!

We have all wondered how some Instagrammers magically rack up likes and comments while our own posts feel like a lonely island crying for attention.

The secret sauce to Instagram success isn’t just about flawless photos (though those definitely help!). It’s about mastering a hidden code: when and how often you post.

Balancing maximizing engagement and avoiding oversaturation can be tricky when posting on Instagram.

This guide will be an eye-opener if you’re curious about how often you should post.

We’ll let you know whether it matters how often you post on Instagram, how regularly you should post, and when the best times to post are.

I suggest that you keep an Instagram scheduler handy, as it will play a crucial role in your posting journey.

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Short Summary

  • Posting frequency on Instagram impacts follower engagement and brand visibility.
  • Infrequent posting can cause followers to lose interest, while over-posting may overwhelm them.
  • Consistent posting signals activity to the Instagram algorithm, boosting reach and discoverability.
  • Most accounts find a balance by posting a few times a week; testing is key to finding what works.
  • Instagram Reels are highly engaging; posting them 3-4 times a week is recommended.
  • Instagram Stories are effective for daily engagement; posting them daily is ideal.
  • Optimal posting times vary, but evenings and mornings generally see higher engagement.
  • Using tools like Social Champ can help analyze and optimize posting strategies.

Does it Matter How Often You Post on Instagram?

Absolutely! How often you post on Instagram can definitely make a difference.

Think of it like this: if you post too infrequently, your followers might forget about you amidst the flood of content.

On the flip side, if you bombard them too often, they might get overwhelmed and start tuning you out.

So, yeah, it does matter how often you post on Instagram; finding that balance that works best for you and your followers is vital.

Finding that sweet spot involves understanding your audience’s preferences and engagement patterns.

Remember that posting regularly keeps your profile active and visible. It signals to the Instagram algorithm that you’re an engaged user, which can boost your Instagram reach and discoverability.

Plus, consistent posting helps to maintain your brand presence and keeps your followers engaged and coming back for more.

How Often You Should Post on Instagram

It really depends on your goals and your audience. For most accounts, posting a few times a week strikes a good balance.

It keeps the content flowing without bombarding the followers. Some folks post daily or even multiple times a day if they have the content and the audience interaction to support it.

The key is to test and see what works best for you. Pay attention to when your audience is most active and responsive. Remember, quality over quantity always wins the day.

Featured Article: How to Schedule Instagram Posts in 2024

How Often to Post on the Instagram Feed

Here’s a fun fact: Instagram users spend an average of 30 minutes per day scrolling through their feeds, that’s a lot of eyeball time for your posts to make an impact.

And since over 200 million people visit at least one Instagram business profile daily, your feed serves as your storefront.

It’s where people get that first impression of your brand or personality.

Now, as for how often you should post on the Instagram feed, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.

Some accounts post daily to keep the momentum going, while others find success with a few well-crafted posts a week.

It really depends on your audience, your content strategy, and how much time and resources you can dedicate to creating quality posts.

Start with a couple of posts per week and see how your audience responds. Are they liking, commenting, and sharing?

That’s your cue to either keep it steady or maybe ramp it up if the engagement is hot.

How Often to Post Instagram Reels

Instagram Reels are the trendy move everyone’s trying out—they’re short, engaging videos that loop and are perfect for showcasing your creativity and personality.

They’re prominently featured on the Explore page, making them a great way to reach new audiences beyond your followers.

Instagram loves promoting Reels so they can reach a broader audience than regular feed posts.

Plus, Instagram Reels are highly shareable and can help you stand out in a sea of static posts.

Now, how often should you post Instagram Reels?

Considering that 72% of online users prefer video content over text-based content, your audience is likely to be more interested in watching your Instagram Reels.

Therefore, posting Reels more frequently might be ideal.

Starbucks is a prime example of a brand that posts frequently on Instagram. It frequently posts about seasonal drinks, promotions, and special offers.

This not only keeps their content relevant and timely but also drives immediate engagement from their audience who don’t want to miss out on limited-time offers.

Starbucks' Instagram grid showcasing the frequently posted Reels.
Starbucks’ Instagram grid showcasing the frequently posted Reels.

Ideally, aim to post Reels at least three-four times a week.

This frequency helps keep your content fresh and engaging without overwhelming your audience.

If you have the resources and creativity, posting daily can also be effective.

The key is to maintain a consistent schedule that aligns with your audience’s preferences and your content strategy.

Remember, the quality of your Reels matters just as much as the quantity.

Make sure each video offers value, whether it’s entertaining, educational, or inspiring. Doing so will keep your followers engaged and coming back for more.

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How Often to Post Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are temporary, engaging slideshows or videos that disappear after 24 hours. Instagram features them prominently at the top of your users’ feeds.

A snapshot of Instagram Stories
A snapshot of Instagram Stories

Now, why should you bother with Instagram Stories?

Well, for starters, they’re incredibly popular.

Over 500 million people use Instagram Stories daily—that’s a huge audience just waiting to see what you’re up to.

When it comes to posting Stories, think of them as your daily check-in with your followers.

They’re informal, spontaneous, and perfect for showing the more human side of your brand or personality.

Plus, they can help boost your overall Instagram engagement and keep your profile active even if you’re not posting on your feed every day.

So, how often should you post Instagram Stories?

Since Stories disappear after 24 hours, posting them every day would be ideal.

According to the Head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, brands should aim to post a couple of Stories each day to effectively engage with their audience and maintain visibility.

A post by creators featuring an interview with Adam Mosseri, the Head of Instagram.
A post by creators featuring an interview with Adam Mosseri, the Head of Instagram.


Adam’s advice underscores the importance of regular, interactive content to enhance brand presence and interaction on Instagram.

Featured Article: Instagram Stories: An Ultimate Kit for Marketers

The Best Time to Post on Instagram

Finding the best times to post on Instagram can significantly impact your engagement and reach.

Studies suggest that the optimal times vary depending on your audience’s demographics and habits.

Generally, evenings between 7 PM and 9 PM tend to see higher engagement, as many users check their feeds after work or school.

However, mornings around 8 AM to 9 AM can also be effective, catching people during their morning routines.

Luckily, social media management tools provide insights into the best times to post on social media.

Social Champ, for instance, has the Best Time to Post feature, which analyzes your audience’s behavior to recommend optimal posting times.

This feature considers factors like when your followers are most active, helping you schedule your content for maximum visibility and engagement.

So, whether it’s early-morning sunrise posts or late-night snapshots, Social Champ’s got your back with data-driven insights to ensure your content shines when your audience is most receptive.

It’s all about working smarter, not harder, to make those Instagram moments count.


In wrapping up the discussion on how often you should post on Instagram in 2024, it’s clear that finding the right balance is crucial.

Whether you’re aiming to boost engagement, grow your audience, or simply maintain a consistent presence, the key lies in understanding your audience’s preferences and behaviors.

So, as you continue to establish a strong presence on Instagram, remember to stay flexible, experiment with different posting frequencies, and use data-driven insights from Social Champ to fine-tune your strategy.


1. How Often Should I Post on Instagram to Maximize Engagement?

The ideal posting frequency varies, but consistency is key. Posting three to five times per week tends to maintain engagement without overwhelming your followers.

2. Does Posting More Frequently on Instagram Increase Follower Growth?

Yes. Posting frequently can increase follower growth, especially if you post shareable content. While consistent posting can enhance visibility, quality content that resonates with your audience matters more for sustainable follower growth than just frequency.

3. Is There a Best Time of Day to Post on Instagram in 2024?

Yes, generally evenings between 7-9 PM and mornings around 8-9 AM are optimal for reaching a larger audience, but it depends on your specific audience’s habits.

4. Should I Use Instagram Scheduling Tools to Plan My Posts?

Absolutely! Scheduling tools have features that allow you to plan and schedule Instagram posts during optimal times. For instance, Social Champ has the Best Time to Post feature that analyze your audience’s activity to suggest optimal posting times, so you can post when your audience is active on Instagram.

5. What if I Can’t Post Consistently on Instagram?

Quality over quantity matters most. If you can’t post frequently, focus on creating high-quality content that aligns with your audience’s interests and schedule posts when you can maintain a presence.
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Picture of Daniel Clark

Daniel Clark

Daniel is a guru of B2B marketing and professional networking. His in-depth knowledge of LinkedIn's unique environment has paved the way for business success.

How Often Should You Post on Instagram in 2024? Ideal Frequency and Posting Times

Picture of Daniel Clark

Daniel Clark

Daniel is a guru of B2B marketing and professional networking. His in-depth knowledge of LinkedIn's unique environment has paved the way for business success.

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